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2022 National Day of Prayer, Newnan

We will have our National Day of Prayer observance at  Greenville Street Park in Newnan on Thursday, May 5 from noon till 1 p.m. Every year we invite 10 pastors from the community to lead us in prayer concerning various NDOP topics. You can view pictures of last year's event here.

Coweta Prayer Watch

If you are interested in praying for revival in Coweta County, please consider signing up for one or more 20 minute prayer slots.


Three Prayer Meetings

We pray three times a week for worship and prayer:

Monday evenings from 7 to 8
Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4
Saturday morning from 9 to 11

The Thursday and Saturday prayer meetings are on Zoom. If you would like to join us, please contact us and request the Zoom link.


Monday Evening Prayer Meeting

Our Monday evening from 7 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. is live at Trinity Fellowship. Click here for directions. The exception is that the third Monday of every month we hold our meeting at Benton House in Newnan.


Thank you.

Paul Schneider Jr.

Director, Pray Coweta





Pray for Coweta County

Praying with uplifted hands
woman praying with folded hands
Two boys praying
Girl praying in rain
Pray without ceasing
drawing of girl praying
Group of five praying