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About Pray Coweta

Pray Coweta is a ministry started by Paul Schneider Jr. Our desire is to see community transformation in Coweta County GA. Paul has aligned this ministry with Jacquie Tyre of CityGate Atlanta.

We invite you to join with us as we pray and seek the Lord for the transformation of Coweta County. We have a weekly prayer meeting on Monday evening at 7 p.m. We are currently meeting at Trinity Fellowship. Please contact us if you would like directions.

24/7 Prayer in Newnan

The Lord has put it on Paul's heart to help establish a prayer center in Newnan where worship and prayers go up to God 24/7. As we wait for God's timing on this, we have established a prayer room at 119 Palmetto Rd. in Tyrone, GA. This prayer room is available from 10 to 5, Monday through Friday. Please contact us if you would like to be a part of this beginnings of the 24/7 prayer God is leading us into.

The Coweta Prayer Watch

In the Spring of 2014 our Monday prayer group launched the Coweta Prayer Watch. There are currently around 200 members from churches across our county.

We have divided the week into 20 minute segments. Each member of the Coweta Prayer Watch has signed up to pray each week during their 20 minute segment prayer assignments.

Intercessor's Email List

In 2001 some of us were a part of the Baily Smith Crusade that came to Newnan, GA. Around 140 churches participated in the prayer support for that crusade, and close to 200 of those prayer warriors still receive occasional prayer updates for our county. If you would like to be placed on this Intercessor's Prayer Email List, please contact us and let us know.

God is working here in Coweta County, and it is our earnest prayer that His Kingdom come, His will be done here as it is in heaven.

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Pray for Coweta County

Praying with uplifted hands
woman praying with folded hands
Two boys praying
Girl praying in rain
Pray without ceasing
drawing of girl praying
Group of five praying