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National Day of Prayer
Newnan, GA
May 6, 2021 at Noon

We had a great time at our National Day of Prayer observance in Newnan, GA on May 6, 2021 at Greenville Street Park. We posted the Colors and pledged allegiance, worshipped and then prayed. This was attended by around 100 folks from the community.

Here are some pictures that give a birds eye view of those attending. Sorry about my finger in some of them!

First, Pastor Pete Mullins, Coweta Community Church, Moderator, opened the meeting, then prayed for victims of The Newnan Tornado.

Color Guard, Gary Long & David Jessel, VFW Post #2667

Mayor Pro Tem Rhodes Shell read a NDOP proclamation
on behalf of Newnan Mayor Keith Brady.
County Commissioner Al Smith read a proclamation
from the Coweta County Commissioners.

Pastor Joel Dover, Calvary Chapel, Newnan, prayed for Newnan Mayor, City Council, City Manager, City Police & Fire Department.Joel Dover

Pastor Robert Chapman, Greater Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, prayed for County Commissioners and county Sheriff & Fire Department. 

Paul Schneider Jr., Pray Coweta, prayed for County School Board and Teachers.

Pastor Emeritus Frank Powers prayed for our President.

Pastor Kenneth Bailey, White Oak Grove Baptist Church, prayed for our Judicial.

Pastor Sharon Mullens, Coweta Community Church, prayed for our military.

Pastor Tim Riordan, Sonrise Baptist Church, prayed for the media.

Pastor Rhodes Skinner, Real Life Discipleship Church, prayed for Businesses.

Pastor Debra Harris, Kingdom Connected Ministries, International, prayed for the Church.

Pastor Emeritus Dan McFarland prayed for Families.

Lee Chitwood (left), 1st Baptist Newnan worship leader; Robert and Katie Lowrie, lead NDOP worship. Worship leaders at Christ the King Episcopal Church.

Robert and Katie leading worship. Opened with "How Great Thou Art", closed with "God Bless America". (sorry for low resolution)

Pastor Pete Mullins (left) from Coweta Community Church was moderator, and opened and closed our local NDOP observance.

Joel Dover, Robert Chapman, Frank Powers, Rhodes Skinner, all waiting to pray.

Other individuals at the NDOP, Newnan, GA.

 Kim Walker, intercessor in Coweta County.

Maryanna; Ed and Debbie Brown, Pray Coweta intercessors.

Brenda Jessel, local NDOP leadership team member.

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Pray for Coweta County

Praying with uplifted hands
woman praying with folded hands
Two boys praying
Girl praying in rain
Pray without ceasing
drawing of girl praying
Group of five praying