I have adapted the following from what was said at a meeting in March, 2016 with Robert Henderson of Global Reformers and Jacquie Tyre of Atlanta.
If we are going to
deal with territorial spirits, we must have a
house that has the right to present cases in the
Court. Matt. 16:18,19 is referring to a
governmental people, a people called out for
governmental purposes.
To the Greeks the
Ekklesia was the guys that met in the city gates
that made decisions about the city and what life
would look like in that city. To the Romans it
was the ones that went into conquered regions
and changed the culture from whatever it had
been to Roman. That was the job of the Ekklesia.
That is what we are here to do, to make
disciples of the nations, so that it looks more
like heaven than like hell. The Ekklesia was a
people called out for governmental purposes.
Whoever gathered at the city gate got the
privilege of being a part of the Ekklesia. So
guess who gets to be a part of the Ekklesia –
those who show up. We come together for a
unified purpose, but judicial decisions are made
in the activity of the Ekklesia.
“Upon this rock I
will build My Ekklesia.” So an Ekklesia doesn’t
just appear, it has to be built. The word
“build”, its root word is Oikos, which means
“household”. It is a household that is going to
become a government. God is building houses that
become governments. People who are connected and
joined through alignment that become a house in
the Spirit, that God entrusts with governmental
authority so they can present cases in the
Court of Heaven that somebody has to present or
the devil wins by default.
And guess what: the
devil’s been winning by default, because there
are very few houses that have the right to
present a case. If I was the devil, and I
understood the judicial system of God (which he
does), and knew it took a house to present cases
that could change cultures, I am going to try to
keep those houses from being built. And that’s
what he’s been doing.
But God’s going to
win, because He has a people, He has a remnant
who is going to come together in connection and
in alignment to see houses built that carry the
governmental authority to present cases in the
Court of Heaven.
Isa. 2:2
“Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be
established on the tops of the mountains and
shall be exalted above the hills, and all
nations shall flow to it.” Mountains always
speak of government. That’s what mountains and
hills are. They are governments in the seen and
unseen realm. Houses speak of family. So the
mountain of the Lord’s house is a house that is
a government. It shall be established in the
tops (the word “tops” is rosh, and means
governmental head).
So God says, “I am
going to have a house that is carrying
governmental authority, I am going to establish
it in the tops of the mountains. This house is
going to so change the spiritual atmosphere over
mountains that the mountains underneath those
atmospheres will now begin to make right
decisions and literally there will be a
development of a Kingdom culture rather than a
satanic culture that now dominates, because the
mountain of the Lord’s house is established in
the tops of the mountains.
So we are looking for
God’s governing family. God knits us together in
family bonds so that He can then trust us with
governmental authority.
Gen. 14:14
Abram hears that his brother-in-law has been
taken captive by four kings and their armies who
have been defeated by five kings and their
armies. “Now when Abram heard that his brother
had been taken captive he armed his 318 trained
servants who were born in his own house, and
went in pursuit as far as Dan.” He then defeated
4 kings and their armies and got Lot back. But
he did more than that. He broke the power of a
demonic army.
Abram’s house became
an army. An army is an expression of government.
You can never be a government until you are
first a family. It takes time, it is a
process to become a family. We are looking for
those with kindred spirits who would like to
align with us, and to come along on this
journey with us to become family, and from there
learn together how to go into the Court of
Heaven to win cases for ourselves and our
county. In turn, we are aligning with Jacquie
Tyre of Kairos
Transformation Ministries, Inc., City Gate,
According to Abram’s
house, 3 things were necessary to be a family
that can function as a government.
1. They were born
in his house. They had the DNA
of Abram’s house, which helped them understand
and made them a part of the culture. If you are
going to come in you just have to be of the DNA.
You’re not going to fit everywhere. That doesn’t
make it right or wrong, it just means that’s not
your group, it’s not what you’re supposed to be
joined to. Don’t get guilt ridden about it or
say, “Oh, they’re wrong”. No, nobody’s wrong,
nobody’s right, it’s about DNA. It is about what
God put in you that resonates when you get in
the right group.
2. Abram trained
them, it is about learning protocol.
Every house has a protocol that allows it to
function as a government. You can have the DNA,
but if you don’t want to adapt yourself to the
protocol, you can miss what God has for you.
Because one of the things God is getting rid of
is lawlessness in the Body of Christ. We don’t
get to do what we want to do, we have to adapt
ourselves to the protocol of the house and be
Why? Because when you
step into the spirit realm you want to make sure
you’re in protocol. If you’re not in protocol,
when you challenge spiritual powers of darkness
it can come back against you. So learn the
protocol of the house and adapt yourself to it.
Yes, there is freedom and liberty, but there are
also some boundaries. The protocol of each house
might be different, so you will need to be
willing to be trained in the protocol of the
3. Arm them or
empower them. Empowerment
always comes out of a house. People are trying
to get empowered, but quit running around trying
to get someone to lay hands on you, and make
yourself a part of a house. If you will get
connected to a house you will really get
empowered and receive everything that you need.
Abram’s house had DNA in it, had protocol in it
and had empowerment in it that allowed them
to begin to function as a government. It was
a house that became a government, and that is
what God is looking for.
The importance of
houses. In 2 Samuel 3:1 it was
a house that God ordained to rule Israel and not
just David, a house that carried governmental
authority. I am just trying to establish for you
how important it is to see a house built in the
spirit realm that now has the governmental
rights and judicial presence in the spirit realm
to be able to present cases that rule nations
that changes culture. This is why we try to
change culture, but we have not done it. We have
done the best that we know how to do with the
understanding we’ve had.
As a Church we have
been doing spiritual warfare for our nation
since the 1990’s, but it has not worked on a
national level. Rather, things have become
worse. Why? Because we have not understood that
it takes a house of people that are built
together and aligned together to be able to go
into the spirit realm and present cases in the
Court that allow God’s will to be done. We have
been trying to do it as individuals, as this
ministry or as that ministry, but it is never
going to work. All we do is stir up the devil to
backlash against the nation. So we are going to
have to have some houses that have governmental
Many have chalked up
our failure to wrong eschatology: “Oh well, the
devil is going to take it all over anyway.” Then
what are we even trying for? You see, I don’t
believe that. I believe we are here to change
culture until it looks more like heaven than it
does like hell.
In Matthew 25 when
Jesus comes back there’s going to be sheep
nations and goat nations. There will be goat
nations that belong to Satan, but there will be
sheep nations that the Ekklesia has discipled
(Matt. 28:19) who have developed a kingdom
culture for God’s will to be done, because they
have learned principles. So God uses houses to
step into governmental places.
The principle of
alignment. I believe that Jesus
uses the principle of alignment to build houses.
If I was to say any principle, I believe it is
the principle of alignment that Jesus uses to
build houses. In Matt. 16:18 Jesus said, “and on
this rock I will build”. So we have to
understand alignment.
In Eph. 4:11, 12 “He
gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists,
pastors and teachers for the equipping of
the saints…” The word for “equipping” is
kartartismos. This word’s very best translation
is “alignment”. It is a chiropractic term of
putting something back into joint that has
gotten out of joint. So the purpose of the
5-fold ministry is to produce alignment.
The 5-fold ministry
is a big piece of the building of the Ekklesia,
and is supposed to fashion and form the Ekklesia
that is a governmental house that has the right
to function in the Court of Heaven. The
principle that is used to build this house from
these 5 giftings is the principle of alignment.
God uses the principle of alignment to bring us
into connectivity so that in the spirit realm we
are joined together as a house that can carry
governmental authority in the realms of the
Spirit. So it is extremely important that we are
rightly connected.
The way you get
connected to our Coweta County group is to
first accept that God has connected you to Paul
Schneider Jr. and his team, and you say, “I
am aligned with these people, I am connected to
these people. In the spirit, I am joined and I
am a part of this house”.
It is not the old
church model where you come up, sign a piece of
paper, and join. This doesn’t adequately express
what really should be happening in the spirit
realm. What should be happening in the spirit
realm is that I know I’m connected in the spirit
realm to this apostolic leader and his team,
therefore I am joining and connecting and
expressing that and becoming a part of the
house. So alignment is very important.
In Luke 5:7, Peter
and his partners were aligned together. His
partners helped bring in the catch. They got the
same benefit that Peter had even though Jesus
wasn’t in their boat and they didn’t hear His
word. When we are aligned in the spirit realm we
get the same blessing. When we practice this
alignment, a house can be built that can be
governmental in nature.
In Matt. 8:5-13 the
Centurion servant asks Jesus to come to his
house and heal his servant, but later asks Jesus
to just speak the word, and his servant will be
healed. Jesus sees that the Centurion gets it,
that Jesus is in perfect connection with the
government of heaven, therefore Your words carry
authority in the unseen realm and causes things
to move in the spiritual because of the
principle of alignment. In fact, Jesus used the
principle of alignment to perform miracles,
because He was able to release the authority He
carried into given situations, just like He did
with the Centurion soldier.
When you come into
right alignment you will start to carry
authority you didn’t carry before. You begin to
carry authority that we have warred for. You get
the benefits of the battles others have fought
and won that you didn’t have to fight and win.
When you come into connection, you get sucked up
into a new dimension of authority.
Alignment is critical
to carrying authority in the Court of Heaven.
How you are aligned will determine the
jurisdiction you carry in the Court of Heaven.
When Robert Henderson formed the
House of Global Reformers last February (2015),
30 businesses and ministries initially joined.
To their absolute amazement, at the first meeting
when they were at a round table setting it was
like heaven opened up and they knew in the spirit
that God had given Global Reformers a place in
the Court of Heaven. Robert knew that they had a
right to present cases in heaven because heaven
recognized them as a house. And the seers were
seeing what Robert was feeling.
When we align with
other houses, it gives us greater jurisdiction
in the Court of Heaven. Jurisdiction is very
important, and how you are recognized in the
Court has everything to do with what you get to
God has houses that
have a right to present cases. When you get
rightly connected your authority realm will go
up and you will be positioned in another
dimension in the spirit realm in the Court of
Heaven that allows you to do things there you
potentially would not have been able to do
otherwise. That is the principle of alignment.
The example of
Abraham and Lot, Gen. 13:6-11.
Lot is aligned with Abraham. When their herdsmen
start striving because they are both so blessed,
Lot made a deadly mistake. He thought that he
was being blessed because the blessing of God
was upon him. He did not realize that he was
blessed because of the one he was connected to.
He should have said, “I will fix it, I will not
separate from you”, but he didn’t do that.
Instead he separated from Abraham to go to
Sodom, which was said to be like the garden of
the Lord. In other words, if anybody can be a
success, they will be able to be a success
So he went that way,
and guess what happened. He ended up in a cave
with his two daughters committing incest with
him, having lost everything before it was said
and done, because the moment he got out of an
alignment with Abraham the blessings stopped.
Whatever anointing we
have is greatly enhanced and empowered because
of the connection of the place we are joined to.
The Widow of
Zarepath 1 Kings 17:8-16. First
Elijah asked for something valuable, but next he
asked for something precious. The precious will
produce a miracle, the valuable never will. She
received a miracle because she aligned herself
with her first fruits – the prophet said “make
me one first”. He pushed her into the first
fruit principle. Her first fruit offering to
Elijah created alignment with him that allowed
her to draw from the anointing that was on him,
so that her house was sustained in the famine
while many others suffered and even died.
Honor creates
alignment. It is the principle
of honor that creates alignment that builds the
house. This is seen in the life of Abraham and
Melchizedek in Heb. 7. Abraham by the spirit
knows things by the spirit that perhaps others
haven’t picked up on. Melchizedek was probably
Jesus in a pre-incarnate state. Abraham is
compelled to bring a tithe to Melchizedek.
Abraham’s tithe created the alignment that
allowed the blessing to be given to him. Real
impartation is always the result of alignment.
Paul imparted to
Timothy. Elijah imparted to Elisha. Moses gave
to Joshua. There was connection, there was
alignment that was working there that allowed
substantial, significant impartation into their
life. It is honor that creates the alignment
that allows the blessing and empowerment to
Honor comes from a
revelation of who someone is.
Abraham knew by revelation who Melchizedek was.
The Lord said to me, “never be so impressed with
who you are that you cannot see who someone else
is.” And the Body of Christ is full of that. We
are all so stinking spiritual that we think we
hung the moon, so we cannot see who someone else
is, and the reason we feel that way is because
in reality we are struggling with our own
identity and we have a need to be somebody. God
wants to get us freed from that trap and get us
satisfied in who we are, then we will really
become who we are. But I can’t be so impressed
with who I am that I can’t see who somebody else
Guess what! The one
God has you to connect to is not some big named
personality on TBN. It is the body of Christ
rightly connected together with real genuine
apostolic authority that is going to change the
cultures of the earth, because there will be
houses built that they are leading. So first I
have a revelation of who someone is, and out of
that choose to honor that.
Honor is always
depicted in finance. 1 Tim. 5:17,18 Let
the elders who rule well be counted worthy of
double honor, especially those who labor in the
word and doctrine. For the Scripture says, “You
shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the
grain,” and “The laborer is worthy of his
wages.” Double honor means twice moneys
paid. God connects money with honor.
Prov. 8:16 “…In her
left hand riches and honor.” If something is in
the same hand it means it is connected. Even
when the Philistines were sending back the Ark,
they didn’t dare send it back without an
offering connected to it. Because they
understood that they had to show honor to this
God that keeps judging us as they sent it back.
Even the heathen understood that honor and
finances are connected.
So we by revelation
know who someone is, we desire to honor, and we
do that through our finances. This is primarily
through the offering of first fruits, but the
tithe also. We need to understand that money
creates alignment, both good and bad.
I can use my money to
create connections. In Mark 4, the seeds fell on
the ground, and the earth brought forth
(not the seed). If you want to get what’s in the
ground, you don’t put the earth in your mouth.
It is your seed that connects you to that
ground, so that you can collect a harvest from
it. This is where the alignment actually becomes
“I myself am
connected into 5 apostolic leaders, and I sow
finances into every one of them every month,
significant finances as God would bless me. I
sow into their lives because I want viable, real
connections out of honor depicted through
finances that creates the alignment.
In the same way, every member of Global Alliances that gave to the ministry saw significant blessings come to them because of the honor they gave with their gifts, and those who didn’t give didn’t say a word. I don’t care if your name is on a list, there’s no functional connection, there is no functional alignment without monetary investment. It is finances that depict honor that creates alignment.
If you are going to
build a house, if you all need to be a part of a
house, you need to connect through the principle
of alignment in a functional way, to become part
of a real house that carries governmental
authority in the spirit realm so we can present
cases that will allow cultures to shift and the
culture of the Kingdom to manifest in the earth,
rather than the culture created by
principalities and powers.
God gives leaders of
houses the strategy on how things are supposed
to be built. In Germany they so understand the
Court of Heaven. They spent 12 years getting
the house built before they felt like they were
ready to take on issues in the city. I am not
saying we need to do that, I am saying that is
what they did. Because these people are serious
disciples. Now they are changing the city, and
they are going on prayer assignments to Rome to
deal with Catholicism, they just got back from
Jerusalem and Israel dealing with issues
concerning Israel, and they have one more
scheduled that they are going to, because they
now feel like they have a house that is strong
enough as a family to be able to carry
governmental authority to step into the Courts
of Heaven and give God the legal right to begin
to take things over in nations.
Say this: “Lord, lead
me, show me my alignments. If I don’t already
know it, reveal it to me. I want to be a part of
a governmental house that can move into the
realms of heaven and see things shift and change
over cities, states and nations, and over
cultures. And, Lord, I also say, I do not want
the devil to win by default. Lord, please raise
us up, and forgive us for all the places we have
been independent, self-centered, all about self,
and not about Your purposes. We want Your will
done in the earth, so we are committed to see
houses built that can take their place in the
realm of the spirit, and see verdicts rendered,
for Your will to be done.
So, Lord, tonight we
come just to lay our lives down, and to say,
‘not my will, but Your will be done. We have
surrendered to You’. Thank you for Your
presence, Lord, and just come over us now. Come,
Holy Spirit. Help us, Lord, strengthen us, Lord,
empower us. Here in Atlanta, GA raise up houses
full of life and power to see things truly shift
and move so that Your will is done, so that
Atlanta is reformed and transformed and revivals
break forth and reformation comes; but it also
flows out of here into the nation of America and
into the nations of the earth, Lord. Lord, we
are just saying, let Your will be done. And we
thank You for it, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah.
Jacquie Tyre has stated the following:
I just want
you to know that part of the reason that we were
able to do what we did here tonight is because
we are apostolically aligned with Dutch Sheets
and Network Ekklesia, and with Global Spheres,
which is Chuck Pierce and Peter Wagner, and as
of today, with Robert Henderson and Global
Reformers. We give significantly every month and
when God says “go do something else” we go do
something else.
And I will tell you,
you look around this room, there is probably 35,
maybe 40 that are in this room that are
shareholders. We call our folks that are all
aligned here “shareholders”. We adopted this
from Apostle Clay Nash instead of “members”
because we are all sharing in the vision. That
means you have a responsibility to the vision,
you don’t just get to come, because you can have
a membership to a gym down the street, and never
go, and never get any benefits and never follow
through with any responsibility.
But when you’re a
shareholder there is a shared blessing and
responsibility that happens. If you are not
aligned somewhere that is carrying the DNA that
resonates on the inside of you, find it. And I
am saying that to individuals, but I am also
saying it to ministry leaders. We do what we do
here because I’ve laid a foundation for nearly
30 years, in the back corner of my house
praying. Which nobody saw and nobody knew and I
don’t care, and getting the cheese beat out of
me sometimes, as a friend of mine says
But here’s the deal.
Many intercessors during the spiritual warfare
movement from the 90’s forward, and I was one of
them, got beat up and lost precious things in
their families. Then there was a book written by
John Paul Jackson, and he had a partial
revelation, and I was actually walking with him
at the time.
And as I began to
come into the understanding of the apostolic,
what the Lord said to me was that what John Paul
saw was truth, because it was individual
intercessors going after principalities and
powers that they did not have jurisdiction and
authority to go after. He said that it was going to take
a company of people, led by five-fold, that
would have the strategy and the earned authority
(not just delegated authority, earned authority)
to be able to move into that arena, and then we
would be able to deal with it. But with this
revelation, different wording but this
revelation that He gave me right after John Paul
released that, and it caused such confusion in
the body of Christ.
But see, he had a
partial. Praise God for that because we needed
that at that moment. Because we had intercessors
dying, children dying, businesses, families
falling apart. It was real, and it was ugly. But
God is giving us an opportunity in this hour to
align as a spiritual house in this city. Not
that you all become City Gate, Atlanta, that's
not what I'm saying. But tonight what happened here
is in the Spirit my brothers back here, we
aligned. Whether it’s for this moment, or if it
is something ongoing. But for this moment our
hearts aligned. And Ekklesia functioned, and we
dealt with something, and we had a high school
student release a prophetic word telling us what
happened in the Spirit.
See, I don’t want
this to be a once-in-awhile thing. I don’t know
what we do with all of this, because God hadn’t
said yet, but I’m telling you, there’s a house
rising in Atlanta. In Atlanta there’s a house
rising. So those of you that I don’t know - I
don’t think I know some of ya’all, but let’s
connect; let’s find a way that we can do this
I don’t know why I am
the one convening this, except God. I’m the
reluctant one. But I will not resist my Father.
In the natural I may be reluctant, but I
will not resist Him, for the sake of His glory
and His purposes in this city and in the nations
of the world.
So right now, in the
name of Jesus, I bless each and every one of you
with every good and perfect gift that comes down
from our Father who is in heaven. The glorious
King of Light. Father, I release a blessing of
grace and wisdom and understanding and might and
council and the fear of the Lord. Father, I a
hunger (if there’s anything I carry, Lord, it’s
a hunger). I release a hunger into these people,
for Your glory, that supersedes and overshadows
everything else, and Lord, a passion to find the
place of connection and alignment that will
bring honor to Your name and glory into this
land, in Jesus’ name.
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